Who We Are


Arena Aviation Capital


Our vision is that aircraft operating lease investment is an asset class that after 30 years of evolution is now maturing into a liquid, stable return and low-risk asset class. The aircraft asset investment market will continue to grow and become of interest and available to an ever increasing universe of investors.


Our mission is to facilitate unbiased, independent full-service aircraft asset investment opportunities and management services for investors. We develop tailor-made investment strategies for our clients.

Independent and unbiased

We are not owned and controlled by any major industry player, and we do not have aircraft on our own balance sheet. We are therefore truly independent and unbiased without the risk of conflicts of interests that otherwise affect true dedication to serving our investor customer interests.

Complete investment cycle

Arena Aviation Capital focuses on the complete investment cycle of acquiring and leasing commercial aviation assets, including deal origination, transaction structuring, debt financing, contract, technical asset and risk management, and administration of commercial aviation assets.


We offer investors the opportunity to leverage of Arena’s existing full-service platform that performs all the services that an in-house platform would provide without the cost and lead time involved in setting that up themselves.

Diversified access to capital

Because of our diversified access to capital, we can offer airlines tailor-made operating and finance lease solutions that otherwise are only available as ‘plain vanilla’ products from large, publicly traded or financial institution owned leasing companies.


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